Workshops and Projects

Current Workshops and Projects

Knotted Structures

Knotted Structures is a craft workshop and invitation to take part in the collective act of making, using a few simple knots to create large-scale works together. Simple craft techniques are shared and used as the basis to contribute to a growing woven structure by playing with colour and a combination of knots, and repetition to create movement patterns. These ideas and techniques inform my work with found plant materials, using their components to determine what is made.

Discovery walk

This walk reflects my growing practice where taking time to be in the moment has increased my awareness and connection to nature in urban surroundings. These collective walks are open for anyone encouraging us to slow down, listen, look and discover together. Sometimes this results in a silent walk, plant identification, photography or opportunities to gather and forage plants to eat or use for crafting.  Collectively people are encouraged to share knowledge, ask questions and learn from each other about our surroundings.

Before beginning the walk, I often do some simple movements to get the body moving in different ways and to focus the mind. The meditative nature of the walk can allow the business of our lives and surroundings to become quieter and offer time to notice our surroundings. 


Movement of Play

Movement of Play is a project that highlights the importance of play for everyone at all stages of our lives, bringing to life physical games that encourage playfulness and social connections.

Movement of Play invites people to recall and share the games of their childhoods to uncover a spectrum of physical games from across different regions, cultures and countries. The project enables the discovery of unusual games as well as more familiar ones, and how the same games have different names and alternative rules.


Movement of Play includes a series of projects which can be offered independently or collectively to create an in-depth project or series of independent activities. 

 Mapping games

Mapping games focuses on gathering games from across the globe, inviting people to share the playground and physical games of their childhood, including games that have been passed down to people without written explanations or rules.  As this collection of games builds it reveals how games transform as they are passed on through generations and across cultures. creating a visualisation of a game’s journey, where they were played, their connections across the globe and with other games.  

Game Exchange

Is a fun event for people of all ages. People are invited to propose a game, prior to the day or just come along with a physical game they love to share with others. Throughout the day the repertoire of games will build along with a collection of stories relating to the games, where they were played and with whom and their personal meanings.

The sessions are supported by game-collectors who are experienced at leading the games and gathering people’s stories relating to playing the games.

Past Workshops and Projects

You Can’t Make Trees

ReRooted Residency & Exhibition

Take Flight

Choreographic commission

What I’m trying to say

Film Installation and co-creation